Let's Get It Started
Knowing what to do and when can change the trajectory of your teen's college future!
After 9 years of guiding students through the college planning
and application process, I noticed a consistent problem, which overwhelms students and parents alike...
Hello, my name is Linda Dennis.
As a college counselor, I have had the pleasure of working with a diverse group of students and parents from across the United States.
Whether the students attended public or private high schools, highly-ranked or middle-of-the-road, it made no difference, and there was one problem that continued to be a major source of anxiety, frustration, and disappointment.
As my experience grew, I started to discern WHY so many students were struggling with the college application process and not getting the results they wanted.
So, the task was set before me to resolve this problem for future students and YOU.
So, what is this Overwhelming Problem?
It’s quite simple.
Most students (and parents) have absolutely no idea how to start the college application process, resulting in inaction.
They do not know what to do and when to do it.
They do not know how to organize their time and application materials, resulting in feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.
By the time most parents bring me into the process, their teens are significantly behind and playing catch-up.
There is no doubt that the quality of test scores, applications, and essays suffer when students are racing deadlines and haven’t planned sufficient time to highlight their academic abilities, ambitions, life stories/lessons learned (all required to produce applications that stand out).
It became obvious that it was not just the students who were trapped in the void of inaction.
Parents have college deadlines to meet and contracts to sign as well. True, most of your work involves helping your teen secure financial aid, but your teen may also want help building his or her college list, reading applications and essays, and taking him or her to tour colleges. You have to practice strong time management and organization as well.
So, why aren’t more people strategic about the college planning
and application process?
Because they think it is the school guidance counselor’s responsibility to help students apply to college.
That is a good thought and true to some degree, but even the most well-intentioned school counselors simply do not have the time to address the unique characteristics and ambitions of each student.
A typical high school guidance counselor spends only 20% of his or her time on college-related issues.
A typical private high school guidance counselor spends approximately 50% of his or her time on college-related issues.
The average ratio of students to guidance counselors in public high schools in the United States is 500 to 1 and in California, the ratio is 750 to 1.
Knowing this, I set out to create a step-by-step student/parent implementation manual that specifically addresses what to do and when.
I went one step further.
I spent the last year designing spreadsheets that correspond to the tasks associated with the pre-application, application, and post-application phases of the college application process.
No matter where your teen is in the process, the “Let’s Get It Started" Program” is designed to move your teen from inaction to action, from uncertainty to focus, from haphazard to organized, and from late to on-time.
And one more point - When anyone does anything for the first, the results are not necessarily the best and certainly not the type of results one can achieve with tutoring or coaching. If you ever hired an instructor or coach to help your child learn to play an instrument or improve a tennis stroke or a calculus score..... then you know the value of bringing in an expert to help your child achieve his or her goals.
The first time you apply to college is no different and students and parents need instruction in order to achieve their best results. The “Let’s Get It Started” Program serves as your instructor in the college application process.
I want to share the "Let's Get It Started" Program with YOU today!
When you purchase in the “Let’s Get It Started" Program, you will receive:
An online and downloadable implementation manual that teaches students and parents what to do and when in the pre-application, application, and post-application phases.
Detailed downloadable spreadsheets that keep students and parents organized and focused on the tasks at hand.
A 60-minute session with me online to address any specific questions you or your teen may have about applying to college.
And More….
An extracurricular activities and awards spreadsheet – easy to adapt for any application
A campus-visit guide and spreadsheet allowing you to make the most of your college visits and allowing for easy college comparisons
A financial aid award letter spreadsheet, allowing you to compare your financial aid awards side-by-side
And Still More…
A bonus chapter on What to do and When after you select your college.
And the "Ultimate" More...
I feel so strongly about the quality of the information presented in the "Let's Get It Started" Program, that I am offering it to you with a 30-day money back guarantee, The manual and the spreadsheets are the very same ones I use with my private clients for one-to-one counseling and coaching.
If after reviewing this program, you do not think it will help your teen stay organized and on task in the college application process, simply email me within 30-days of the purchase date, and I will refund all of your money - no questions asked.